Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Educational Philosopher

I chose Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi for the educational philosopher that I identify the most with. He was a Swiss educational philosopher and believed that children should not be lectured in the classroom. He believed that they should be able to explore and experiment in order to gain knowledge. He also thought that children should not be given an answer to a question right away and should be able to come to the right conclusion by themselves. By doing this he is giving the students more contol of the classroom which leads them to feel more comfortable in school and in charge of their learning. With this method of teaching a student is never talked down to or treated like they are stupid. By teaching this way you are giving the students control by letting them do hands on activities and not just lecturing to them all day. I also feel that this method of teaching engages the students in the lesson a lot more than a lecture would. Students tend to doze off and day dream during lectures but when they are doing hands on activities with their classmates while the tacher is guiding them they actually get interested in what they are learning and don't just memerize it for a test. I feel that this method of teaching is the best for students because children should be active and take part in their own learning and not just sit back and listen to the teacher spout out information until the school day is over because that's not what learning is supposed to be about.


1 comment:

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