Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Home Schooling vs. Public Schooling

I wanted to look at what the difference is between home schooling and public schooling and if one is better than the other. One reason public schools are so widely attended is because it's free and convenient. The parents don't have to pay for all the supplies except for a few folders and notebooks here and there but everything else is free. They don't have to pay for the text books, chalkboards, computers, programs, markers, and all the supplies for art, music, and gym. And there are no enrollment fees like there are in private schools. Also one parent doesn't have to stay home to teach their child. They are able to go to work and provide for their family. Another reason that public schools are good for students is because they get to meet a wide variety of people who have all kinds of different backgrounds. They probably wouldn't get to meet these people while being taught in their home. It could open them up to a lot of new things like hobbies, sports, and interests. A down side to Public schooling is that violence is much more common and children are more likely to be in danger in a public school than they would be at home with their parents. Also dropout rates are higher in public schools although it depends what school they attend because all public schools and areas have different dropout rates.
In a homeschooling environment the parents have control over what their child is taught and with what method of teaching. They can also add religious aspects to the teaching if that is a priority to them. By teaching their own child fist hand the parents will know when they are having difficulty in an area while a teacher at a public school may not. Students in public schools often get a minimal amount of attention from their teachers because they are 1 of 20 or 30 students. But in home schooling it is 1 on 1 and the student is the top priority. The only thing about home schooling is that I feel the child is missing out on working on their social skills. Children need to learn how to work in groups and use teamwork. When they are just working with their mother or father they are not getting that same experience that is provided in public schools.
Overall both methods of schooling offers both pros and cons although I tend to lean towards the public schooling because I feel that it offers more real life experience that can be used out in the real world. If a student is being sheltered at home they are missing out on a lot of wonderful and sometimes horrible things that I call learning experiences that can help them when they get older.


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