Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Social Justice

Would You Teach For Social Justice?
I have always thought about how to teach social justice in a school setting because I was always taught about it when I was in school. Ever since elementary school I remember talking about topics that had to do with social justice. I believe that if people really want to change the way our society treats certain groups of people teachers have to educate their students about these issues. It has to start early so that children learn to treat everyone with the same amount of respect. In the article Introduction: Creating Classrooms for Equity and Social Justice the author states "Classrooms can be places of hope, where students and teachers gain glimpses of the kind of society we could live in and where students learn the academic and critical skills needed to make it a reality." I think that the author means that everyone has to start evaluating what kind of world they want themselves and their children to live in. People need to realize that they can change the world and the way that people think. They just have to educate people and make them more aware and always teach children about social justice whether it be at home or school because they are the future and they decide what is going to happen in years to come.
I'm not quite sure about how social justice is taught in schools. I know that in mine we had assemblies and class discussions but it is different in every school. Some schools have different requirements and study for tests more and worry only about academics. In other schools there may be students with parents who do not approve of teachers talking about social justice. So I feel that how it is taught if at all depends on the school district, grade level, teacher, and students.


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