Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Should school days be lengthened?

A few days ago I found an article while checking my email about how President Obama is planning to lengthen school days and shorten summer vacation. I had mixed feelings about this. Although I believe that children should get the most out of their education and plan to succeed I also believe that children should be children for as long as they can. They are not little adults and shouldn't have to sit at a desk and do work for any longer than they have to. School isn't the only important thing in a child's life. There are family, friends, hobbies, and fun. I would hate to look back at my childhood and only remember assessments and tests. Although I want to be a teacher I don't think that education is the most important thing in life. You only live once and you should enjoy it. Especially your childhood because it's the most important and defining part of a person’s life. The reason why they're trying to lengthen the school days is because they want to level the playing field with the children in other counties. In other countries children are going to school for longer periods of time and getting better grades. They want to make the children here just as smart as or smarter than them. But I feel as though it would cost them their childhood. They won't be able to hang out with friends, spend as much time with their family, or participate in extracurricular activities. I think that before they decide to put this plan into action they should think about the children and what’s best for them and their lives, not what needs to be done to be better than other countries.


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